Thursday, January 27, 2005
This is a test of blogging, showing how easy it is to use Blogger.com.
posted at 10:59 AM ... LINK
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Monday, January 24, 2005
You'll be amazed and delighted to learn that I've posted the last block of pictures from my recent trip to San Francisco: Part H of H. Check 'em out in the Pictures section. Thanks again to King and Gwen (and Kibble) for being wonderful hosts!
posted at 8:02 PM ... LINK
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Okay, it looks like Chattanooga Online has dug up some fairly recent backups of the web server. Hoorah!
posted at 9:42 AM ... LINK
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Monday, January 17, 2005
The webserver at Chattanooga Online crashed over the weekend, losing all files on their disk (including my websites, of course). So, some of my links aren't available until I restore from my personal backups.
posted at 2:33 PM ... LINK
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I made it home last night! Wahoo! Back to Chattanooga. More pictures loading in from the trip...
posted at 2:30 PM ... LINK
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Well, I'm heading out this morning for San Francisco's airport, from which I'll fly to Atlanta, and then home!
posted at 7:58 AM ... LINK
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Today, King and Gwen and I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge... and then walked back across it! Very high up, and actually kinda cold, what with the wind and all, but exhilarating! I'll put some pix up in a little while after a nap. Yesterday King and I went to Treasure Island, Coit Tower, the Mission Mission, and Twin Peaks.
posted at 2:51 PM ... LINK
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Yesterday afternoon I had a great meeting at AccesSF, the public access people here in town, and for dinner King and I traveled to the Irving neighborhood for some Thai food. Afterwards we tried to watch a horrible movie (Subterano). I've posted new pictures (Parts E and F on the pictures page)!
posted at 9:39 PM ... LINK
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I'm still in San Francisco, having fun! I need to catch up on my blog entries, but meanwhile:
Monday was a recharging day, and King & Gwen introduced me to Greg the Bunny.
Tuesday I got to Moscone Center at 7:45 am for the Keynote of Macworld Expo (featuring Steve Jobs, of course). Watched it with the other media people (oohing and aahing over the new stuff, including Mac mini, iPod shuffle, iLife '05, iWork, Tiger, etc.), and then prowling the exhibit floor until I was worn out. That night King & Gwen & I went to see "Yes Men" at the Red Vic - very entertaining!
Wednesday (today) I did some research at Creativity Explored and, later this afternoon, AccesSF, and tonight I may attend the Final Cut Pro User's Group meeting.
posted at 1:58 PM ... LINK
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Sunday, January 09, 2005
I'm now in San Francisco at King and Gwen's home! Yay!
I awoke this morning, made my way downstairs to the hotel lobby in Reno, and waited for more info. Eventually a bus arrived, and the crowd of Amtrak refugees was finally given a reason to hope. More buses began to arrive, each going to a specific destination (Martinas, Sacremento, and yes, Emeryville). More details later; I don't want to ignore my hosts right now :-) Suffice it to say for now that we survived traveling over the mountains!
posted at 4:29 PM ... LINK
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More pix in Pictures area and also QuickTime movies: My Compartment
Rockies #1
Rockies #2
FYI, I use a Canon S230 digital camera along with my Macintosh PowerBook G4, iPhoto, and Galerie to create these picture albums; the video is from the Canon, too. I use Transmit to ftp files to my website, using the Merlin card to access the internet. Feel free to comment; my email address is pluckey@chattanooga.net.
posted at 6:55 AM ... LINK
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P.S. It is not true that Reno provides a stripper for every hotel room. Not true at all.
posted at 6:05 AM ... LINK
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Early in the morning here in Reno. Skies seem somewhat clear (though still nighttime). I called Amtrak's 800-USA-RAIL for more information about our fate, since that was one of the recommendations from last night's customer agent on the phone. The first agent I reached on the phone this morning informed me that there were "no buses and no trains going anywhere" and suggested calling the Reno station (they'll open at 8:15, another 3 hours away) to find out more. I called the 800 number again a few minutes later to check and see the progress of the next #5 (California Zephyr) train out of Chicago, the one running a day behind us. This agent (Kathleen) was much more helpful and sympathetic to my tale of being stranded "by the grace of God and Amtrak." She found in her computer (i.e. actually looked, which appears to be more than the former agent did) a note that confirmed that yes, indeed, a bus would be in front of our hotel at 9:45 this morning. She theorized that this bus would be taking us to the Reno station where we'd be meeting the next #5, due in today (running a couple hours late currently), but it wasn't clear in her notes if there were a block of seats on the new #5 for us or what. A shuttle bus to aid the weary travelers in getting from the Reno station to the hotel would have been extremely helpful for us last night, when all passengers and crew had to walk the four blocks -- two of the blocks were unplowed and unshoveled, so we were trudging through 1 - 2 feet of snow -- dragging all our checked and carryon luggage ourselves to the hotel. A couple cabs started relaying people, especially the elderly and disabled passengers (I discovered a lady in a wheelchair still sitting at the Reno station when I went back to help, some 2 hours after they had annulled our trip, just waiting to see how she would get to the hotel with her luggage. Fortunately a cab showed up and we helped her down the snowy ramp into the cab. It's a wonder I didn't see more exhausted passengers face-down in the snow.) I did note that some of the very first people in line at the hotel registration desk last night were Amtrak crew members, I think from the kitchen staff. I did encounter one of the sleeping car attendants coming back to check on the passengers straggling through the snow, and that was good to see -- I do hope that other Amtrak crew members had gone back to help those less able to travel in these conditions while I was in line. I really do hope that. Surely there weren't only two of us (and one of us doesn't work for Amtrak) that went back to help. I'll be calling the Amtrak customer service department on Monday to document this experience. Anyway, I got back to the hotel last night around 11 pm PT, wandered around the casino for about 4 minutes (I allowed myself 3 dollars to spend on the slot machines, and it took 2 minutes to get rid of that), picked up a hot dog from the restaurant, and retreated to my 8th floor room. I got up at 5 am PT and began calling Amtrak. Now I think I'll nap a little bit before preparing to meet the bus and perhaps even glean more information. Still having a good time, though, but I'm goofy that way .
posted at 5:52 AM ... LINK
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Saturday, January 08, 2005
I'm sitting now in a nice hotel room in downtown Reno, overlooking their casino strip. Amtrak gave each of us rooms at the Golden Phoenix (someone sez it used to be the Hilton... until what, I wonder? hee!). The current plan is for us to call the Amtrak 800 # (1-800-USA-RAIL) early tomorrow morning for an update, and they're also planning to have buses out front of our hotel at 9:45 am tomorrow (Sunday) morning. So far so good! It was quite the journey getting myself and luggage the 3-4 snowed-in blocks from the Amtrak station to the Phoenix. I think I'll head back over to the Amtrak station to see if anyone needs help with their luggage. (This room is, in fact, larger than my train compartment. Ah, #12, I shall miss thee.) More pix & videos later once I settle in.
posted at 9:23 PM ... LINK
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Still in Reno. Here's the news:We're not going any farther tonight. They're putting us up here in Reno -- turns out there are hotels here. More info as I learn it.
posted at 6:58 PM ... LINK
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We made it to Reno. I can see the casinos when I stand outside the train in the falling snow. The snow (around 1-2 feet deep) is wonderful and powdery. We're stopped, awaiting A Decision on what our train does next. One possibility: Travel through the Sierra Nevadas and rescue the passengers from the derailed train stuck way up there. That sounds like fun!
posted at 6:19 PM ... LINK
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We've left Sparks and are inching our way toward Reno. It's slow going, due to frozen switches, and, in some cases, they have to dig around to find the railroad track (!) given the 2 feet of snow here. Should be in Reno "soon." The Conductor has told us a few things recently. A train coming over the Sierra Nevadas has derailed, and they're clearing that now. We are pausing in Reno until we know more about the route ahead of us. More info as we know it. Oh, and they're showing Princess Diaries II in the Lounge Car to soothe us. Perhaps at Reno now?
posted at 5:49 PM ... LINK
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Getting ever so much closer to Sparks, Nevada, which is "just 8 minutes away" from Reno. Not sure how many days that translates to. Still, people seem in good spirits on the train (well, ok, I'm in my compartment, but I don't hear any psychotic shrieking or death wails). I'm fine, watching the snow fall, fall, fall. Here's a pic from the weather.com:  We are right next to the word Reno (east of it). Smack-dab in the big white snow storm. The excitement continues! Oh, and I'm uploading yesterday's pix to my pictures section. Who knows how long I'll have a modem link after Reno...
posted at 4:39 PM ... LINK
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We're still in the desert, perhaps an hour or so before Reno. We haven't seen the sun today; it's been overcast and snowing. Lots of flat land here, with mountain ranges in the distance (turns out the mountains I see aren't the Sierra Nevadas, because they're Very Much Bigger, as in 6000 feet of elevation). We're around 7 hours behind schedule. A couple times we've been reduced to 20 mph due to frozen switches, but right now we're at full speed ahead. The conductor just told us (to allay passenger worries) that Union Pacific will be sending a snowplow train right ahead of us as we travel through the mountains, so that should help. Ok, just had announcement that we're 30 minutes away from Sparks Nevada, then 8 minutes later is Reno. I've heard that all other roads, and other trains, are all closed except for us. Yay for us!
posted at 3:48 PM ... LINK
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I woke up about an hour ago. The train had stopped. I climbed down from my bunk and checked my watch. 6:30 am MT. Peered out the window into complete darkness. Ok, we're somewhere. This is probably not Salt Lake City (which we probably stopped at around 4 am). I noticed after a moment that there were tracks alongside our train, and figured we were probably on a siding waiting for a train to pass by. I pulled on my shoes, went to the bathroom, and in a little while I heard/felt the passing train. By the time I returned to my compartment we'd begun to move again. Assured that at least we weren't stuck somewhere, I gathered my things and took a shower. Actually the shower is not bad. The stall is very cozy, but the water was warm and the handheld showerhead made it easy. I suspect we're on a long straight stretch of track and therefore standing in the shower was no problem. I returned to #12 and started downloading yesterday's pictures from my camera in order to annotate them. The sun is starting to rise, and I can now see across the plain some craggy mountain peaks. The Sierra Nevadas? The mountain range draws closer and closer. I'm surprised to see the green light on the modem card indicating cell service, so I'm quickly posting this before it winks away. We just passed some casinos, so we must be in Nevada. More later, including pix and such.
posted at 6:42 AM ... LINK
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Friday, January 07, 2005
The Rockies were magnificent, as expected. After watching the mountains glide by the window, I dozed and then - voila! - time for dinner. Pasta primavera with veggies, bowl of fruit for dessert. My seatmates were a couple from San Francisco, headed home after Christmas in Nebraska. They'd just upgraded to a sleeper compartment from riding coach, and were still in the adjustment period for finding it much more bearable. Nice talking with them. By the end of dinner the train had reached Grand Junction (named for the nearby Grand River which was changed by legislative fiat to the Colorado River, etc. etc.) and as I weaved my way back to my roomette, we pulled out from Grand Junction. We're still about four hours behind schedule. Added bonus: a steward told us that the Sierra Nevadas were being hit hard by snowstorms and currently had 9 feet of snow. Nine feet. We go through the Sierras tomorrow.
posted at 8:45 PM ... LINK
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We're leaving Denver now, passing though the neighborhoods and such. Then we'll pass through the Rockies. Beautiful weather, blue skies.
posted at 12:41 PM ... LINK
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More travel pix are at SanFran 2005 Part B in Pictures section.
Here are a couple movies: Leaving Chicago's Railway Yard [ QuickTime] and Approaching Fort Morgan Colorado [ QuickTime]. Sorry, Windows Media files just too huge and crappy-looking. Install QuickTime, do yourself a favor. We are at the Denver Union Station right now, loading/unloading, etc. It's a beautiful day.
posted at 11:47 AM ... LINK
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We have arrived at Fort Morgan, Colorado. We should've been here at 5:40 am, so we're 4 hours 20 minutes late, just so you know. Doesn't really affect us, though it may have knocked us out of our window through the freight traffic, perhaps slowing us down more in the future. Now we've come 960 miles. 90 minutes to Denver.
posted at 10:00 AM ... LINK
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One scrumptious breakfast later... Perfect pancakes with maple syrup, crisp bacon, orange juice. My seatmates were an older couple from Buffalo, traveling to visit their daughter in Berkeley, and an older man from Chicago. Nice talking with them; they've taken this train 4-5 times (she suffers from an inner ear problem that prevents flying -- what with my recent pain from my flight I can sympathize). Afterwards I walked to the last car, snapped a picture out of the last window on the end of the train, and walked back. Ok, here's the consist as I know it so far ("consist" is railroad talk for "whatcha got in yer train"): Engine, Engine, Baggage Car, Crew Car, Sleeper 532 (my car), Sleeper 531, Dining Car, Lounge Car, Coach Car, Coach Car, Coach Car. The coach seats do look comfortable, but I admit I'm spoiled by having my own compartment (and electrical outlet). The coach cars seem 60-70% full, but I didn't go downstairs. I suppose we're still 3 hours or so from Denver. (If you've been checking for updates -- thanks for that -- please know that out here in Nebraska/Colorado it's pretty empty, and cell phone coverage - and therefore internet access - seems few and far between. Surely by Denver I can upload these last 5 entries...)
posted at 9:00 AM ... LINK
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we just stopped at McCook. It was bright enough to read the station sign. So that means we're four hours behind schedule at this point, unless I'm misunderstanding the printed schedule. McCook is 783 miles from Chicago. Denver is now 4.5 hours away. Wow. Well, I'm in no hurry. :-) Oh, and my posting times are local to me, not Eastern.
posted at 7:20 AM ... LINK
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I think I'll go for a shower after breakfast -- probably less of a hassle. It will be interesting to see how feasible it is to stand in a slippery shower stall amidst the rocking and rolling of the train -- I did notice there are handrails inside the shower; I expect I'll be clinging to those for dear life. Speaking of breakfast, let me talk about last night's dinner. The train had just stopped at Ottumwa Iowa, and the Conductor announced that at this stop we could go outside at the station for a few moments, "but make sure you re-board the train when we make the announcement." No incentive to linger outside, for sure. This was a brief chance for smokers to quickly puff away (no smoking anywhere on the train). I went outside. The Ottumwa station was deserted except for the half dozen passengers that disembarked at my car. It was dark (around 7:40 pm) and there was around a foot of snow where it wasn't packed down by traffic. I tried a couple pictures but they probably didn't turn out too well. Just as I was about to play around with manual exposure settings, I heard the announcement from the Dining Car Steward that the 7:15 dinner reservations should now make their way to dinner (they were a little delayed). So, I climbed back onto the train (after taking a photo for a man and his small son). By the way, this train is looong. At Union Station, I walked for what seemed like three city blocks alongside the impressively tall train cars before I reached my sleeper car. Here at Ottumwa, the rest of the train disappeared into the darkness. These Western long-distance trains are two levels high, much taller than the single-level trains seen east of the Mississippi (due to lower bridges, I suspect). I see I've digressed from the story of dinner; I'll discuss our consist more later. After re-boarding my sleeper car, I walked to the Diner (just one car away) and waited in line for about 5 minutes while the steward seated each person or group in available seats. I was seated at the first table, across from a thirtysomething couple and next to a young man. We introduced ourselves, though by now I've completely forgotten. Must write these things down. The couple are from Virginia, and this was their first train trip (they were going as far as Denver). The young man is a university student (biology major) in Omaha, and he was returning from visiting his San Jose girlfriend (as geographically-challenged as I am, even I was a little confused why he was on a train going from Chicago to Omaha if he was coming from California, but I let it go without asking.) We all had a nice time chatting and deciding what to order. Due to a little misunderstanding, we thought we were supposed to fill out the meal ticket form that was left for each of us (if you're a sleeper, you sign your name and give your car number and room number, just like signing for drinks at the hotel pool - I guess!). So we had fun trying to decipher some extreme abbreviations (drinks: P S RB HT IT HeT and so on. I won points for breaking the Herbal Tea code. No ST but we're not in Tennessee, so I'll sweeten my own IT.) Turns out the waiter actually waits on us and fills out the form properly, but no harm done. The meals for the couple and for me are "free" since we're sleepers; the student was riding in Coach (poor kid) and so had to shell out Actual Money at the end of the meal. And the meal was very good. The salad was fresh. I ordered the steak medallions, medium well, with mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and cheesecake (the steak menu price alone was $19.50). The steak was tender, juicy, and just right. Potatoes and veggies also great. And the cheesecake was moist and fluffy. Since the Dining section is on the upper level of the Dining Car (the lower level is the kitchen, for they prepare the food just like in a stationary restaurant), the swaying and rocking of the train is slightly exaggerated. Nothing too difficult, but it made eating and drinking harder than usual (unless you normally wave your hands and bounce in your seat while eating, and I know some of you do). After eating we said our goodbyes and went on our merry way, satisfied with dinner and company. I returned to my roomette (Oh, #12, I know thee) and after a while I lowered the upper berth to make a bed (the bed is nearly exactly 6'4" as am I) and rest my eyes. I got up a few times during the night, but mostly slept without discomfort or distraction. The sleeping car steward (for our car, Faye) can prepare your compartment at night for sleeping and then return it to normal while you're at breakfast, but I decided to do it myself so that I could go to sleep whenever I wanted. The bed clicks into place and it already had sheets and a blanket and pillow, as well as a safety fence you can attach to the ceiling to prevent rolling off the berth. The only downside of the upper berth is that there's no window view, so perhaps tonight I'll set up the lower bed to watch scenery while I drift off to sleep. That will mean moving everything around, though (luggage and gadget-wise, that is) so in the interest of convenience, probably not likely. Well, now it's 7:10 am MT and the sun is rising; the snowy landscape is pink with the new day. The dining steward has announced breakfast. I think I shall take him up on his kind offer.
posted at 6:30 AM ... LINK
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Ok, we've just stopped at a small station. I wager that this is, in fact, Fort Morgan Colorado, since the printed timeline for this place is 5:40 am, and that'd mean we're only 35 minutes behind. The station house was too dark to make out a name, and the citizens seem too shy to promote their dark town with a big glaring sign ("Hey! We're Fort Morgan And We Mean It!"). The water tower says "Holdrege". Well, we're moving again. If this was Fort Morgan (not a soul stirring), then the next stop is Denver; you may have heard of it. But that's two hours away. I should get moving and jump into the shower before the sleeper crowd starts to awaken. May be too late already -- the people disembarking at Denver are doubtless up and preparing. Breakfast (first come, first served) starts at 7 am, and the stop announcements resume at 7 am as well (they stop at 10 pm -- if you're scheduled to disembark at night, the train attendants will make sure you're awake and ready to go at the right time). If we just left Fort Morgan, then we've traveled 960 miles since Chicago, in around 16 hours.
posted at 6:15 AM ... LINK
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I'm mostly awake. I suspect we're in Mountain Time now, depending on where we are (and where we are depends on what time it is, of course). Dark outside my window, save for the occasional light in the distance or streetlight or even perhaps a house. When I got up about an hour ago to answer a call of nature, we had stopped briefly in some small town. I suspect it was either Fort Morgan, Colorado if we're running within 30 minutes of schedule, or McCook Nebraska if we're running late. The time shifts from Central to Mountain at the Colorado border, and theorizing on the possibilities with the time offset makes my head kinda swim. So we're either in Nebraska or Colorado. Or Canada. Or Papua New Guinea. I did note that at that brief stop there was a good amount of snow on the ground, so it's probably not the tropics.
posted at 6:01 AM ... LINK
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Thursday, January 06, 2005
Ah ha... our first real slow-down. The Conductor just informed us that a freight train just ahead of us is "having trouble with a switch" and therefore we're going maybe 20-30 MPH (it's hard to estimate, but at these low speeds it's like we're gliding... really cool) as we're stuck behind the freight train. We're between Deerfield Iowa and Ottumwa Iowa. This is why it can be a problem that Amtrak doesn't own most of the track it uses and is often a low priority for the freight-heavy railroad owners. Well, might as well get dressed for dinner. Now, where's that cummerbund that matches my dinner tuxedo...
posted at 6:58 PM ... LINK
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I've posted some pictures in my Pictures section (featuring, yes, pictures). I'll be creating a new section each time I post sets of pictures, for it seems that ftp via the wireless modem is kinda slow for uploads (but I'm perfectly happy with that).
posted at 6:49 PM ... LINK
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We just stopped in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Actually we've been very close to the printed timetable so far (other than starting about 15 minutes late). Some stops are just for 2-3 minutes. Mt Pleasant was a little longer, and now I know why. The station was on my side of the train, and I was idly watching the people standing around in the snow waiting to board the train (while talking on my Sprint PCS phone in a conference call with my mom and my brother) when I noticed a couple of police officers moving forcefully through the people toward the train. Our train pulled away a few minutes later and the Conductor came on the speaker to explain what happened. One of the passengers had become intoxicated and "didn't hold his liquor well," and so at the next stop the Conductor had the local police remove the drunk guy from the train. Not only did he lose his ticket and his trip, but he will be banned from future Amtrak travel, according to the Conductor, who also used this opportunity to emphasize that "if you don't hold your liquor well" you would be facing a similar treatment. So in a sense it's almost like being a part of Railroad Survivor, to see how makes it to the end of the journey without screwing up. I will say that all the people I've come into contact with so far (Faye, our Sleeping Car Attendant; my neighbors across the hall; the Conductor that punched my ticket in a genial way) have been friendly and easy to get along with. Then again, I'm not drunk.
posted at 6:23 PM ... LINK
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I took a nice little nap and did some exploring on the train. I found how to get from car to car (the sleeper cars connect upstairs only), passed through the Dining Car (being set up for dinner), looked at the Lounge Car, and peeked into a Coach car. Also found the shower in my sleeper car, for future reference; actually somewhat roomy. Probably try that out tomorrow morning. I've made dinner reservations for tonight at 7:15 pm (CST). Should be tasty -- it's cooked on the train. They seat people together to fill up tables, so I'll be meeting 3 new people.
posted at 6:07 PM ... LINK
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I'm officially riding the rails. I'm settled in my own private roomette, which turns out to be a good size for one tall person. Two people would be very cozy. We've left the Chicago station and are currently speeding our way through the neighborhoods of Chi-town. I'm in Car #532, Room #12, on the lower level, right side of the train. I'll be uploading pictures later here on my website -- I anticipate having a little time to do that over the next couple days. I'm somewhat spellbound by the scenery dashing by pell-mell outside my window, but at some point this afternoon I'm sure I'll succumb to a nap. Not as much heavy residential now -- more industrial scattered with housing. And snow, everywhere. The speed of the train is whipping up a stream of snow that creates a moving cloud outside my window. More later...
posted at 2:40 PM ... LINK
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Makin' progress! The flight from Nashville to Chicago was uneventful, other than the piercing pain I experienced when the plane started to descend. Must be some air pressure problem with my head. Oh well. More notes later on the Confusing Array of Signs within O'hare Airport in Chicago. Still, I managed to find my way to the CTA trains, where I caught the Blue Line elevated train/subway to downtown Chicago (took about 45 minutes, only cost $2). Then it was a 2-block walk to Union Station -- the snow is nearly a foot deep in places, and big flakes were still falling. I checked in at the Amtrak ticket counter, and presented myself at the Amtrak Metropolitan Lounge, which is where I am now: sitting in a tastefully-decorated series of rooms with soft carpet, nice can lighting (not a fluorescent tube in sight), and comfy chairs and sofas. Even free drink machine & bathrooms. I can enter the Lounge by virtue of having a sleeper compartment, and therefore I am First Class. My train will be boarding in a few minutes; the adventure (more of the adventure) continues...
posted at 1:55 PM ... LINK
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I rode the Express Shuttle van from Chattanooga to Nashville, and now I'm sitting at Gate C-12, hoping my 9:05 am CST flight isn't delayed by too much (it's evidently snowing in Chicago, and half the Chicago flights are delayed, but not mine [yet]). You can watch the realtime progress of American flight 4360 (BNA -> ORD) on Travelocity's Flight Status pages.
Well, so far so good. It's a little chilly in Nashville and overcast. See you later! (Obviously, the wireless modem is working!)
posted at 7:52 AM ... LINK
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Leaving my house in Chattanooga in a few minutes... here's my projected train route (map courtesy of Amtrak):
posted at 4:05 AM ... LINK
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Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Haaappy New Year! I'm about to embark on my annual pilgrimmage to San Francisco -- traveling on Amtrak's California Zephyr train from Chicago to SanFran. Check back for incremental updates... perhaps even From The Train!
posted at 3:49 PM ... LINK
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