Ok, we've just stopped at a small station. I wager that this is, in fact, Fort Morgan Colorado, since the printed timeline for this place is 5:40 am, and that'd mean we're only 35 minutes behind. The station house was too dark to make out a name, and the citizens seem too shy to promote their dark town with a big glaring sign ("Hey! We're Fort Morgan And We Mean It!"). The water tower says "Holdrege". Well, we're moving again. If this was Fort Morgan (not a soul stirring), then the next stop is Denver; you may have heard of it. But that's two hours away. I should get moving and jump into the shower before the sleeper crowd starts to awaken. May be too late already -- the people disembarking at Denver are doubtless up and preparing. Breakfast (first come, first served) starts at 7 am, and the stop announcements resume at 7 am as well (they stop at 10 pm -- if you're scheduled to disembark at night, the train attendants will make sure you're awake and ready to go at the right time). If we just left Fort Morgan, then we've traveled 960 miles since Chicago, in around 16 hours.
posted at 6:15 AM ... LINK